
Ge?logo, Universidad Cat?lica del Norte

Origin and evolution of the parental magma associated to the less-differentiated volcanism in the Andean Central Volcanic Zone, northern Chile

Tesis desarrollada en la modalidad de doble graduaci?n con la Universidad de Cape Town, Sud?frica.

En el margen occidental de Sudam?rica se desarrolla el arco magm?tico activo de la Zona Volc?nica Central (ZVC), formado en una corteza continental de 70-74 km de espesor. Las rocas de la ZVC son principalmente de composici?n andes?tica a dac?tica con valores geoqu?micos que indican numerosos procesos de contaminaci?n cortical durante la evoluci?n magm?tica. Sin embargo, tambi?n se han identificado rocas menos diferenciadas con valores geoqu?micos e isot?picos cercanos a magmas primitivos. El objetivo de este estudio es determinar los procesos que controlan el origen y evoluci?n del magma parental asociado al volcanismo Ne?geno-Cuaternario menos diferenciado de la ZVC.

On the western margin of South America is the active magmatic arc of the Andean Central Volcanic Zone (CVZ), formed on continental crust 70-74 km thick. Rocks of the CVZ are mostly andesitic to dacitic in composition with geochemical values indicating several processes of crustal contamination during magmatic evolution. However, less-differentiated rocks with geochemical and isotopic values close to those for primitive magmas have also been recognized. The objective of this study is to determine the processes that control the origin and evolution of parental magmas associated with Neogene-Quaternary less-differentiated volcanism of the CVZ.

Profesor gu?a UCN: Dr. Andrew Menzies

Profesor gu?a UCT: Dr. Petrus Le Roux, Universidad de Cape Town, Sud?frica


Godoy, B., W?rner, G., Le Roux, P., de Silva, S., Parada, M.?., Kojima, S., Gonz?lez-Maurel, O., Morata, D., Polanco, E. and Mart?nez, P., 2017. Sr-and Nd-isotope variations along the Pleistocene San Pedro?Linzor volcanic chain, N. Chile: Tracking the influence of the upper crustal Altiplano-Puna Magma Body. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research.